Harvest Sunset 3 column

Monday, January 23, 2012

27 Weeks

Hello 3rd trimester!! I'm very excited to be at this milestone already. Although it's hard to believe I have 3 months left. I've been terrible about taking consistent belly shots with this baby but I'm working on that. I don't think this photo begins to show how big I really feel!

Baby boy has been very active and I felt his first round of hiccups this weekend! I had forgotten what those feel like. So cute. I wish I could take a peek inside and see exactly what he is up to. Sometimes it feels like he is just bouncing off the walls!

Overall I am feeling pretty good. I started my iron pills after my bloodwork showed I was slightly anemic. I think those have really helped give me some energy.

The bad news is, I failed my glucose screening. Yes, I have to take the dreaded 3 hour test while fasting. I'm not real thrilled to say the least. This time around they give you the same size drink, but with 100 grams of sugar instead of 50. Then they draw your blood every hour for 3 hours. What I don't get is how do they expect you to pass? Obviously if I failed after 1 hour on 50 grams of sugar, then I will fail at 1 hour on twice the sugar and probably the 2 hour mark as well. And you have to pass 2 out of the 3 tests.

I have been through this before with pregnancy #1 and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I managed to escape it with baby #2, mainly I believe because I was diligent in my workouts. This time I have been such a slacker!!! I knew it would come back to bite me in the butt.

I have my 3 hour test scheduled for first thing Wednesday morning. Tomorrow I'm planning on making meatloaf for dinner to protein load! It may not matter but I figure it can't hurt. And the good thing is with the 3 hour wait, I can get some much needed reading done & catch up on some paperwork I've got to finish for taxes.

Then right after my glucose test I have my regular OB appt. I'm curious to see if I kept my weight gain in check this time! All I can say is I'd better bring snacks after 3 hours of not eating. That's not nice to do to a pregnant girl!

I will be back to report later on the results. Let's hope I have good news and pass this stinken test!

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